Volume No 23 © 2022 

Published annually by
Mozelle! Studio Graphic + Web Design
PO Box 376 • Deer Isle ME 04627
207 / 460-2329      


Editor/Publisher/Designer: Maureen Farr   
Maps:  Maureen Farr(Maps are not drawn to scale.) 

Submit Art for our cover:
Would you like to submit artwork to be considered for next year’s cover?  
Send information with one or two high resolution jpegs to farr.maureen@gmail.com  
by September 30, 2022.

About Our Cover Artist: Buzz Masters

Buzz Masters’ narrative paintings reflect her interest in the history of fresco painting as a visual form of storytelling. She says, “My work is an investigation of the malleable nature of memory, what we hold onto and what do we leave out in order to make our story.

“I continue using wooden panels covered with my recipe of materials that is a nod to the Roman’s genius of plastering. Using casein emulsion, acrylic paints, gold leaf, graphite, oil stick, thread, beeswax, nails, varnishes, driftwood, tinted gesso’s, and whatever else I find on my studio tables, allows for much flexibility giving endless potential to heavily layer these materials to make a complex surface. The color and surfaces of my work often refer to influences of early Italian work, but the symbols narrate my current stories.”

Buzz Masters has lived and worked on Deer Isle for 30 years. Her home studio is open by appointment only. She is represented by Cynthia Winings Gallery in Blue Hill, where she co-curated and is exhibiting in a show, titled “Matinee,” from August 20 - September 14, with an opening reception: August 25. www.cynthiawiningsgallery.com  and  www.buzzmastersstudio.com

On the Cover: (Detail) My Mother’s Chairs 30x30, mixed media on panel, 2023.